Sustainability is a slippery word, but here at Barmotion, we began our journey by simply making every reasonable effort to make the sustainable choice wherever there was a choice. And as you'll have no doubt discovered for yourself, those choices present themselves many times a day.

Specialist event insurance company InEvexco has stepped forward to support ESSA members with a flexible approach to insurance that is tailored to the events industry, now that there is a clearer path out of lockdown and into the future.

“We are in unprecedented times where normal business isn’t really normal, and where everything will have to adapt,” explains InEvexco managing director, Mark Clayton. “And that also includes insurance policies for businesses operating in the event industry.”

InEvexco is rolling out a programme of flexible insurance policies that correlate more directly with the business on the books, it takes into account the volume of work in hand and how that will increase as the industry unlocks.

“Matching insurance policies to the risk at that moment is critical if we are to see the industry get back on its feet and kickstart the economy. Being underinsured is arguably more  damaging than being overinsured so we are launching a programme of flexibility where we will work with our clients and the insurer to match policy and premium to trade, risk and exposure. We don’t want our clients to sacrifice important cover to achieve a false saving so we will aid customers to hold relevant insurance with an appreciation of the sectors likely exit of these dark times.  They will not be paying for cover that they will not need at the moment but we will also work with them to make sure that as business  returns they remain covered for the increase in exposure,” added Clayton.

Luke Facey, managing director of Alfa Display Limited applauded the initiative, “We’ve had such a period of uncertainty over the last year and a half, having to reduce business costs and adapt to jobs being postponed or cancelled at a moment’s notice. Now that we are starting to grow back again, it’s been critical to have the support of an insurance broker that understands our industry, and enables flexibility in our insurance. 

As the Ungerboeck Learning Center celebrates its 1-year Anniversary, it’s a good opportunity to reflect on what we have learned...

“From iconic to everyday design is all around us, improving our lives, providing solutions. Design Matters!” ACID Ambassador Sebastian Conran

The South African turnkey hospitality operator, Barmotion, completed its first UK contract at Cleves School, Weybridge on Saturday 4th September for the ACTS Leadership Conference.

With over 15 years of global experience, Benoit Honnart will lead Electra’s regional expansion and strengthen Electra’s innovative offer.

The unique 4-day operations training programme secures partnership with leading build and feature framework supplier.

Vividink, the Derbyshire-based event industry pr specialist is offering a new type of retainer agreement, the "three-6-three" contract.

The Vividink team is thrilled to have been chosen by Ottimo Digital, the large format exhibition print specialist based in Newport, Wales, to provide PR and social media services.

We are celebrating a significant first milestone in international operations after delivering nearly 6000 drinks and coffees through 14 hospitality bars at two simultaneous events in the UK and South Africa, including SASOP, the 20th National Congress of the South African Society of Psychiatrists, 20-24 October 2021.

Telford based AV specialist Press Red Rentals has achieved ESSA Accredited status, becoming only the second exhibition AV supplier in the UK to do so.

Vividink has launched a new way of servicing its clients, no longer based upon billable hours but based upon customer needs.


The Event Supplier and Services Association (ESSA) is a trade body representing the very best contractors and suppliers of goods and services to the UK’s thriving events industry.

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